Hiring Process
If you have been invited to interview with us, ensure that you browse our website to learn more about us and our products prior to the interview. Use the time during the interview not only to sell yourself but as an opportunity to learn more about the company and to determine if TRINRE is right for you. We want you to be comfortable with your decision and to enjoy what you do here.
Our recruiting process is very thorough. Below are the key stages that make up our selection process.

Advertisement-Position is posted.
There are three ways you can submit your resume for consideration:
- Via our website when you are applying for a specific position;
- Via email at careers@trinre.com ;
- By hand and addressed to the Human Resource & Administration Manager
TRINRE Insurance
69 Edward Street
Port of Spain

Shortlist-Review applications and determine shortlist.
If you are short-listed you will be contacted via phone so make sure that you have provided a contact number where you can be easily reached.

Selection-Comprises of Interview and selection testing (interviews normally occur first then psychometric, work samples and other assessments after). Preliminary testing for shortlisted candidates.
For some of our positions, assessments are used as part of pre employment checks to measure knowledge, skills and competencies related to the position. This may occur prior to or after the interview. For senior positions such as managerial posts, psychometric testing is used to make an assessment.

Interview scheduled for short-listed candidates.
Generally our interviews are conducted at our Head Office in Port of Spain where you will meet a Department representative and also our Human Resource representative. Assessments usually come at this point.

Interview short-listed candidates.
Depending on the job opportunity, you may be invited for a second interview.

Successful candidate(s) selected and pre-employment checks undertaken (this includes references).
Pre-employment checks are initiated which include verification of identity, verification of qualifications, and reference checks in order to confirm the recruitment decision.

Employment offer presented to successful candidate(s).
If you are successful we will contact you to extend a verbal offer.