
Are You Prepared for A Hurricane?

The Hurricane Season officially runs from June 1st to November 30th.

Please ensure you have adequate insurance protection for your homes and businesses. We would be happy to assist you in assessing and determining if you have adequate cover. To access this free service, please call us toll free at 800-TRIN and ask to speak to one of our Customer Service Representatives.

Please also refer to the following preparation guidelines for protecting your family and property during the hurricane season.

Be Prepared

  • Keep your radio or television on and listen for the latest warnings and advisories.
  • Board up or install shutters over all windows, doors, skylights, and open vents.
  • Secure all doors by bolting and wedging.
  • Lower television and radio antennae.
  • Protect appliances and furniture by elevating them off the floor and covering them with plastic.
  • Remove loose objects from the yard and patio.
  • Recharge appropriate equipment (such as cell phones and rechargeable flashlights).
  • Close all outside electrical outlets and cover with duct tape.
  • Turn off electricity at the main box before a storm hits.
  • Store as much drinking water as possible in clean, closed containers.
  • Prepare a hurricane disaster supplies kit. (See below)
  • Put personal papers and other important documents in a waterproof container and keep nearby.
  • Keep your vehicle filled with gas.
  • Get extra cash from the bank.
  • Have a plan in case family members are separated.
  • Unless advised to evacuate, stay at home. Remain indoors in the middle of the house, away from windows and doors.
  • Stay indoors until the entire storm has passed and government advisories say it is safe to go outdoors.

Hurricane Disaster Supplies Kit

  • Radio and flashlight.
  • Extra batteries.
  • Adequate non-perishable food.
  • Adequate prescription medications.
  • Sufficient drinking water
  • Personal hygiene items.
  • Special infant needs.
  • First aid supplies.
  • Fire extinguisher


Evacuation Procedures

  • Follow the instructions and advice of local authorities.
  • Lock all windows and doors.
  • Turn off electricity at the main box.
  • Take personal papers and important documents with you in a waterproof container.
  • Carry as much hurricane disaster supplies as you can manage.
  • Arrive at the shelter as promptly as possible as and no later than the expected arrival time of tropical storm force winds.

After The Storm

  • Stay tuned to a radio station issuing emergency bulletins and updates with the latest information.
  • Avoid driving unless necessary, as roads may be blocked.
  • Stay away from fallen or damaged electricity wires.
  • Do not turn the power on at your home if there is flooding or water present. Ensure that all electrical appliances are dry before turning on the main power switch.
  • Check your food and water supplies before using them. For cooking and drinking purposes, use only safely stored water, or boil your tap water.
  • To avoid overloading the system, use a phone only for emergencies.

Report any damage to your insurance broker /company as soon as possible.